On our way to Hull!
After the dark days of winter, we are looking forward to #walkingtohull again next week. It has been a walk of three parts, first the hills, then the plains and now we will complete the walk, following the estuary from Boothferry, the river crossing at Goole, to Hull - within sight of the sea.
We will be living in luxury for our last four days with a train line, running almost parallel with the river, giving us easy access to the start and end points each day from our hotel in Hessle.
Over the winter we have been thinking about the creative work which will document this walk. Bob will continue his writing, inspired by artistic interventions on the approach to Hull. I have been printing using the plant material that I collected on the way, and am working on a large textile piece which will be exhibited in the autumn. We also hope that we can take the exhibition to some of the places we have walked through. More of that later.
The weather forecast is good, and we are looking forward to being on the road again. We will be posting every day so watch this space!